June 01, 2009


It's been a long two weeks since I've posted. Things were really hectic at work the first week, then the second week I was on vacation, but helped my daughter-in-law take care of a sick 17 month old baby. None of us got much sleep. Thank goodness she got better, but now I've got a cold that just won't quit. I'm stuffy & drippy all at the same time and I hate it!

Our new system went live yesterday and so far so good. Only minor problems so far today on my end. Let's hope it stays that way.

I did RoDiWriMo over at Romance Divas in May and did pretty good. I wrote every day so that's a biggie for me. I hope it keeps up because I'd love to finish at least one novel this year.

June will be a better month. Only 1 day off but I'm going out of town. My husband's grandparents are having their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Obviously there's a step in there somewhere but no one acknowledges that. They're both grandparents to him and that's all that matters. I love that about this family. There are no steps!

Well, that's pretty much it. I just hope things stay saner this month and I can keep up with my writing.

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