June 08, 2009

Back On Track

Well, I think it's about time for me to get back into posting on a more regular basis. I got sidetracked for awhile with a special project at work and RoDiWriMo but that's all over and I have more time now.

I'm taking a Workshop with Eliza Knight called "The Noble's Life in Medieval Times". I'm excited to learn as much as I can since my WIP is set in the 14th century and Eliza is doing an awesome job. I'm inspired to write more and I'm hoping to finish the first draft of this MS within a few months so I can get started editing it and have it ready to submit by the end of the year. My first submission will be a HUGE deal!

I joined my local RWA chapter and was interviewed for the chapter newsletter. My answers to the interview questions were neither inspired nor insightful, but it was my first interview and I certainly hope it gets easier and better with time. LOL If possible I'll post here when it comes out.

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