July 18, 2011

Weekend Reflections

Whew! Another weekend over and gone. KAM and the kids spent the weekend with us plus HNM, the new baby & boyfriend have moved in with us until they can save enough money for a car & a new apt. My house was chaos & I'm exhausted.

I love having a houseful of kids but at the same time I really, really want peace and quiet again. I must be insane for allowing so many at one time in the house because the place is way too small for family gatherings that last more than a day. But I was raised in a full house and I can't seem to get away from it. With 30 cousins and 8 sets of aunts & uncles always in & out of my grandparents house I never had peace and quiet.

But I love the little buggers and mostly they don't bother me so much. I worry more for MJM's sanity than my own.

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