January 27, 2009

You've Come a Long Way Baby

I was just thinking about a place I lived in about 5 years ago. I was recently divorced with a job that paid almost nothing, supporting 3 kids and trying to keep it together. I had already moved out of a couple of places because I couldn't afford them and then had moved to this place because the people who owned it were nice enough to overlook my past problems.

The house, or trailer that was passing as a house, was back in the woods on a small hill. The air conditioning was a window unit in the kitchen and the only heat was a wood stove situated in the middle of the living room leaving no room for furniture. But since I didn't have any furniture I guess that didn't really matter. The kids all had beds so it was okay that I slept on a small foam mattress on the floor.

My car had broken down and could not be repaired; at least not without considerable cost I couldn't pay. A friend gave me a 1987 GMC Suburban and I drove that thing around until I got back on my feet and could afford something else. In the winter I had to plug the truck in to keep the motor from freezing up and some mornings it took forever to start it, but at least I had a way to get back and forth to work.

Times were tough but we were all together and had plenty to eat. I think back sometimes and wish things could have been different but I realize at the same time that living in those conditions made me stronger. Another reason "The Person I was Made Me The Person I Am".

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