I think I'm trying too hard. Writing used to be fun. I loved putting words to paper and telling the story the best way I knew how. But now I'm focusing too much on the "process" of writing and the "right" way to write the story. When I sit down to work on my WIP I can't seem to find the right words. Before I decided to "become" a writer I had no problems putting down exactly what I wanted to say. Now I can't seem to say anything at all. I want to go back to the way thing were. Help!!!
You were a writer even before you decided to "become" a writer. :-) My advice is to write the first draft with your heart - just let it flow, no matter what that nasty inner editor says. It's time to play and to create. It's time to have FUN. When you're done with the first draft, then it's time to think with your head - that's when you get to go back and play some more with the language and the craft. :-)
It's hard to turn off that internal editor and my procrastination skills are excellent. But I know that if I want to write I have to actually sit down and write; there's no other way to go about it. So, hard work or not, it's up to me.
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