That first meeting taught me that my heart still beat when it was in my throat. I was welcomed as if I were already a part of the group and I’ve learned more than I thought possible from this awesome group of women. The first link fell away
Over the past three years I’ve attended almost every meeting and workshop and I volunteered last year as editor of Love Notes. I even made myself go to a retreat and play Little Red Riding Hood for “mystery night”. These things were a big deal for me because I’m not a joiner. I’m a sit-on-the-sidelines-and-pretend-to-cheer kind of girl. But I made myself step up and I’ve had a wonderful time. Now I know that I don’t have to pretend to cheer. I can shake my pom poms like anyone else. Another link broken..

But joining isn’t the only step I’ve taken. I also write. Not every day, but I do write. And I’ve finally done something I never would have done if not for joining this group. I finished my very first first draft. It’s taken three long years of rattling my chains but I did it. I think that one broke away at least two links. And layering in all the things I didn’t know I needed when I started the draft might just get me two or three more links.
Since I started this journey I’ve slowly lightened the load that held me back. I’m still sawing the links and sometimes a blade dulls and I have to stop and hone the edges. But because I took that first step I know that I can break free. And I intend to keep cutting away until I’ve done just that.
If you’re struggling to break your own chains, don’t let the fear of the unknown stop you. Pick up a saw and start cutting. Take that first step. You’ll be glad you did.