I am a writer of Historical Romance. I fill my life with Medieval Knights, Scottish Highlanders, English Lords, and Civil War Soldiers. I see myself in every lady fair and I fall in love with every handsome prince. I sigh at every first kiss. My heart beats faster at every gentle touch and breaks each time it looks as if all is lost. And each time happiness reigns I know love conquers all, in life as in fiction.

But the way I see it, I use the same words as Faulkner, Shakespeare or any winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature. I simply string them together so that my characters fall in love and live happily ever after.
I don’t consider myself any different than any other writer in any other genre, whether Romance, Mystery, Women’s Fiction or any on Oprah’s Book List. I sit myself down, work on character and plot, agonize over each word and pray that what I wanted to say shows in each sentence.
And when someone tells me that what I wrote gave them pleasure I know without a doubt that I am proud to be a Romance Writer.