September 22, 2010

Wicked Wednesday

And now, for your viewing pleasure, a few good-looking, hero-types from this season's line-up. Enjoy the scenery!

Nathan Fillion of Castle

Mark Harmon of NCIS

Brian McNamara of Army Wives

September 21, 2010

Congratulations, DH

DH officially starts in his new position this morning. He looked so nice leaving the house this morning in his business casual instead of in his ratty T-shirt and cut off shorts.

I'm proud of him for stepping out of his comfort zone and going for what he wants. This may not be where he was before 9/11, but it's putting him on track to get back to that point. And I know that he will be wonderful at it. How can he not? He's got me to encourage him. LOL

September 20, 2010

Should I or Shouldn't I?

Ok. Here's the deal. My local RWA chapter is looking for a new editor for our monthly newsletter. For me, this would be a big deal. I don't normally put myself out there like this, but I'm thinking I might like to give it a try. It will give me experience I may be able to use later on and it will break me out of my shell a bit more.

It seems like a pretty simple process and the current editor has all the files and information I would need to pick up where she leaves off. I know I can handle it and I know once I decided to do it I would give it my all. But none of that is what's keeping me from volunteering.

The reason I'm waffling on the whole idea is that I'm terrified that I will screw it up. Even though, deep down, I know I can do it, there's always that little voice inside that says, "You're gonna suck and everyone's gonna know it."

So, I've emailed the current editor to get her feedback. And I'm posting here to get it off my chest and put it in writing. If I put it in writing it becomes a little more real and that voice quiets down to a whisper. At least that's what I'm telling myself.

Anyone else go through this "should I, shouldn't I" thing?

September 10, 2010

Civil War Days

I'll be in Munfordville, KY tomorrow. Early in the morning I'll get up, dress in my costume for the event and drive two hours to get there, then I'll spend all day walking around Munfordville with civil war reenactors as well as those like myself who just like the era.

There will be a battle reenactment, booths selling anything from books on the civil war to civil war souvenirs, a tea in the afternoon and a ball in the evening.

Come on out and join me!

September 02, 2010

Debra Dixon is coming to Nashville

Want to learn more about GMC (Goal, Motivation and Conflict) and how those
elements work with the Hero's Journey to conceive and create strong plots
and compelling characters? Check out MCRW's upcoming day-long event with
Debra Dixon. Register before September 25 for only $35!

Visit Music City Romance Writers for more information and to register for this awesome event.

For more information about Debra and to buy her book "GMC: Goal, Motivation & Conflict, The Building Blocks of Good Fiction" visit her website.

September 01, 2010

The Most Amazing Thing

KAM finally had the baby. She got admitted to the hospital about noon on Monday and Mason Alexander was born at 10:54 p.m. weighing 7 lbs 15 oz. He's a beautiful little thing and I got to watch the whole affair.

I've been on the pushing end of delivery, but I've never really seen it from the other end. It was completely amazing. The woman's body is designed to do wonderful things. Giving life to another living being is truly the most amazing thing I've ever seen. And I'm truly blessed to have been a part of this one.